This is what you had to say:

cat - 2005-03-03 02:26:06
I'm never quite sure whom I hate more: doctors or the HMO's who "fund" their shoddy methods of medical practition.
Marn, eh - 2005-03-03 08:37:38
Reading your experience and TVZero's (he has a $5,000 bill for one day in the hospital and NO health insurance) has again made be get down on my knees and bow before my Quebec Health Insurance Card. Ms. A-F I will keep my fingers crossed for you. No one should have to go through the stress of being sick and and have the added stress of wondering if their health insurance covers it all.
Harriet - 2005-03-03 10:19:18
The billing of health care is completely insane. For a 100% normal, uncomplicated baby delivery, we got bills between 30,000 and 40,000 for a few months until the insurance came through with the payment. That seemed a little excessive for something which, technically speaking, I could have done by myself at home.
lrig - 2005-03-03 12:50:26
how do you do it? how do stay hilarious when you cannot even keep juice down!? i wouldnt have even been able to THINK funny things, much less say them. clearly, you are superior to me. i hope that they dont charge you all that money, and i hope that yr feeling better. xoxo lrig
pan-opticon - 2005-03-03 14:18:56
I was just browsing through thre ol' diaryland and happened upon yours. Drink juice until you produce.... I like it. I think you have a career in hospital sloganry. p.s. Move to Canada. OHIP picks up the bill here.
Madamepierce - 2005-03-03 14:41:22
fingers, toes, and intestines crossed for you, dude.
Angie - 2005-03-03 18:42:01
I hope that your insurance pays! I just had a dealio with that kind of insurance b/s. I had my wisdom teeth taken out, & long story short, the ins. didn't want to pay. The extraction was last june! Good luck!
Lorna - 2005-03-05 20:34:19
I didn't realise how bad the health insurance system was in America. I live in Australia, and currently our government health system picks up the tab, but they are trying to make ours like America's!
katie d - 2005-03-17 01:16:00
first, i am sorry you had that entire experience. damn, i would definitely make sure you get your mole back, because clearly it was the key to the whole thing, right there. second, um, i can't remember what the second thing was, so i guess i'm just sorry you got sick. kd

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